# Installation

# Windows

Melbourne is built for Windows on a computer running a 64-bit install of Windows 10, and in theory should work with other 64-bit Windows installations. Unfortunately, as I do not own a 32-bit computer, I am currently unable to provide a version of the program for 32-bit Windows installations.

  • To install Melbourne on Windows, navigate to the releases page and download the .exe file for the latest release of the program.
  • Once the .exe file has downloaded on your computer, double-click on the downloaded file and follow the instructions in the installer to complete the installation process.

Melbourne should appear in the Start Menu once the installation process has completed.

# macOS

Melbourne is built for macOS on a computer running macOS 10.15 (Catalina), and should run on other versions of macOS as well.

  • To install Melbourne on macOS, navigate to the releases page and download the .dmg file labeled for macOS for the latest release of the program.
  • Once the file has downloaded, double-click on the downloaded file. In the window that opens, drag the Melbourne icon over to the Applications folder icon — macOS will copy the program to the Applications/ folder.

Melbourne should now appear in the Launchpad, and is ready to use.

# Upgrading Melbourne

Currently, the process for upgrading Melbourne is to first uninstall any existing versions of the program before installing the newer version of the program as if it was a brand new installation.

If you've added any custom flags to the program, don't forget to back up these images first before uninstalling as they will be deleted otherwise.